How Can We Help?
Add an agent to your TRUE account by navigating to your membership dashboard and choose Add an Agent from the Account Admin menu at the top.
This page will provide you with all the instructions you need to add an agent.
It’s important that you follow the directions EXACTLY! It’s extremely easy to change your account as the agency owner to a subagent if you do not follow the instructions provided.
Before adding an agent, please know the following:
- Ensure you have a contractual agreement with the travel advisor. They will have access to your TRUE code and the ability to conduct business as part of your agency.
- You are responsible for the support and training of your agents.
- Your agent will have the ability to download a virtual ID card. Because you are hosting this agent, the ID card will have your agency name and TRUE code on it as well as the advisor’s name.
- The Advisor’s account is tied to yours. When your membership expires, their membership will also expire. When your membership renews, their membership is renewed.
- All Advisors added to your account must be approved by the CCRA team. Once the additional agent has been approved and added to the account, you and the additional agent will receive an email from CCRA.